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How To Know If You Get The Real ZippyPaws?

We were very sad when we heard one of our loyal customer was the victim of a FAKE ZippyPaws purchase!

This is where we decided to write this article for everyone’s awareness.

Counterfeit products are everywhere, but how do you make sure you do not pay premium price for counterfeit product?

A little background story here, our customer bought it online from a  seller who claimed that it was AUTHENTIC on Instagram, until she purchased the same design from us to do a comparison and found out that she got the FAKE one!

Below are the comparison picture of fake and real ZippyPaws on this article. Before that, please follow these few tips to avoid counterfeit ZippyPaws.

1. Product Tag & Sealed Plastic Bag

Make sure your ZippyPaws come with a proper product tag. ZippyPaws will also be packed in transparent plastic bag with printed warning sign on it, if you find a ZippyPaws packed in plain plastic bag, that is not our norm of ZippyPaws practice!

Product tag will clearly state the name and basic information of the product on the back, flip the tag and you will see a barcode and the name of the product.

If you see one without any product tag which looks like the picture below, chances are that may either be a counterfeit or used.

like the picture below, chances are that may either be a counterfeit or used.

Authentic (left) with warning bag, Fake (right) just clear plastic bag without tag.

2. Colour Differences

If you received a product with a different colour as advertised from official account or our account, chances are, that could be a counterfeit product.

3. Label Tag

This is the small tag that comes with the toy, most of plush toys will come with this small white label tag on the body or bottom and usually ZippyPaws label tag states one or more of the following information:

- Reg Number

- Materials and content of the toy

- Country the toy is made in

- ZippyPaws website


Counterfiet will not.

4. Price

Too cheap to be true would simply confirmed it.

But, does expensive mean is confirmed authentic? No! that doesn't confirm you that more expensive will be Authentic too! Why?

From my customer's experience, she got her ZippyPaws at market price, and some are even more expensive than our retail price, and she still receive the fake one! can you imagine? pay more and get fake product!? Do not assume that if the ZippyPaws product is at market price, it is definitely real!

5. Authorised Proof

You always have the right to ask for photo or video proof of the ZippyPaws direct shipment to Seller. photo could be edited, but videos usually have lower chance to be edited.

Seller will have custom clearance letter attached on international shipment, that will at least tell you that if the product was shipped directly from ZippyPaws, else it could be just from somewhere you don't know.

If Seller failed to provide you with necessary information you ask, or try to hide things from you. that could be irresponsible seller who only wanted only profit but not your furkid's safety.

We always post on our Instagram of our shipment arrivals, and we saved it under our highlights, you can check it anytime on our IG highlight. Most of the time are boomerang or short video.

6. Purchase from Registered Company

Purchase from registered company would give you an ease of mind that the product is authentic. At least you are protected from the law and regulations of trade in Singapore.
To find out more if a company is a registered entity in Singapore, simply do a quick search at using the entity's name or UEN number.

Personal Experience:

We did purposely purchased from TaoBao before just to compare with the one we get from USA. some really look like the real one, but the difference would be  the quality. Some products have very bad stitches standards, some have non symmetrical design placement and just simply not the same as the original

How do we tell is not directly from ZippyPaws USA?

Look at the collection of the shop, it usually does not have as much design as we have, or it just simply only have the designs you can find in TaoBao.

Special instructions for seller

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